My hometown is guiyang in winter, although have, but the sun shone in the body is warm home. Atop the, still still so lush hills in the distance, the mountain is still the number of tall, thick and had put on a blue dress, waving in the wind, and rustling sound from time to time.
Home again like a glittering and translucent crystal, we can from this glittering and translucent get rid of Wells, see lots and lots of trees and modern building, very beautiful.
Hometown of water does not freeze in winter, has been to the famous scenic spot of tianhe tam people all know, winter, spring gush water steaming, more let a person feel much a warmth in winter. Beside the road, that tall phoenix tree, don't succumb to the cold wind of intimidation, beside the garden, plum flowers from the yard to, let I can't help but think of that sentence Bao jianfeng from honed out, plum blossom incense from and you can't afford to bank everything on the road at the side of a stark contrast to the dead, and because of this indomitable spirit, I just love the hometown of winter, because she is beautiful, vibrant!
Hometown in winter it is because of this spirit, to make it more beautiful! More young!
家乡的冬天的水是不会结冰的,去过著名景区天河潭的人都了解,冬天,泉眼喷出来的水还冒着热气,更让人觉得在冬天多了一丝暖意。在马路旁边,那高大的梧桐,一点也不屈服于寒风的恐吓,在旁边的花园里,一枝梅花却从院子里探出头来,让我不禁想起那句千古名句 宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来 和马路旁的枯木形成了鲜明的对比,正因为这顽强不屈的精神,我才喜爱家乡的冬天,因为她是美丽的,生机勃勃的!